Let’s make work more human.

Let’s make work more human.


As we explore new ways of working with technology, we need to take a human-centered approach. How can we leave more room for creativity and innovation? How can we remove barriers for people, so they can focus? How can we ensure we’re being inclusive, respecting diverse perspectives, and being open to new ideas?

If we answer these questions first, and prioritize human needs, we will build new ways of working that are ready for the future. As Artificial Intelligence evolves and data-driven decision making becomes more prevalent, this becomes critical. We can use technology to mitigate bias and spark innovation by paying close attention to the impact of what we build. Technology can be used to make work more human.

I spent the last 15 years using technology to help people work. I’ve always preferred collaborating in-person, but now that I’m working remotely I’ve noticed myself connecting with others more intentionally - not based on location, but on ideas we can exchange. Technology can feel like a barrier sometimes, but it also allows us all to connect in new ways and rethink how we manage our time. When it’s used to augment and amplify our natural human skills, it can be a powerful ally.

I’m currently focused on how AI can augment creative collaboration and am interested in meeting others who believe that new ways of working should be built with transparency, empower individuals, and value humanity.




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